Hi all,
My name is Hoa. I was accepted into MMBR program, Finance track in Mannheim university and MMF program in Goethe university. I want to study Finance in Germany, particularly the more quantitative side.
Could you please advise me to choose which program? Personally related to reputation of the university, I would prefer Mannheim, but I heard that MMF in Goethe is famous in the financial/ banking industry in Germany. Both MMBR and MMF program are a bit more quantitative, but MMBR is just new, launched in 2016.
Much appreciated,
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sieu Hoa
Congratulations on admissions !
Quant side is the right side
I went through both curriculum's....Finance track in Mannheim is not enough Quant for me
for instance there is no Derivatives course, no Fixed Income, no Financial Risk Management etc., however I can see this is research program in Finance and great for PhD. ... an_FIN.pdfMMF Goethe university website was not user friendly at all, a lot of dead links there and had to dig a lot, which is something I hate about school website not being transparent ... er/MMF.pdf ... &P.vx=kurz ... ch_MMF.pdfAt least in Finance electives (Money electives were not interesting, at least for me ) you have some interesting courses to choose from such as : Banking Risk Management Frameworks, Big Data in Personal Finance, Complex networks - Methods and Algorithms, Financial Econometrics of High Frequency Data, Hedge Fund and Alternative Investments, Stochastic Calculus in Finance and Economics, Credit Risk Analysis in Structured Finance Applications, Derivatives II, Valuation of Financial Assets (by Zapatero Cvitanic book
), Credit Risk by Duffie and Singleton, Introduction to Computational Finance, Multivariate Statistics, Modern Portfolio Management, Multiple Time Series Analysis etc.
I am well aware of Mannheim reputation in Germany, however if you dont plan to go for PhD later, I would advise to go to MMF Goethe, it is more market tailored, you have much more interesting electives to choose and learn from and Frankfurt location as financial center, will certainly be very beneficial in job seeking.
My vote goes to MMF Goethe Frankfurt am Main
I am tagging my German friend
Arro44, he can have more insights, or even different view.
To be fair, Mannheim Business School is not far from Frankfurt either.