Hi All,
I took the GMAT recently, and had the strategy of dividing my booklet into 4 slots for each page for math and wrote down sets of ABCDE for verbal, as well as the time intervals for math and verbal at the bottom right corner of each page. It takes a couple minutes for each for both sections. I did the same for the essay and IR. I didn't do these until the time started ticking down for each section, but was wondering if you could prep your notepad before the section started, since there are some directions prior to the start of the test (4 minutes) and 1 minute prior to the start of the quant and verbal sections. I know you can't write during the breaks themselves, but can you prep your booklet while on the direction screen so it doesn't eat into the actual 75 minutes? Or in the case of Essay and IR (the 30 and 30 minutes)?