A researcher studying lawyers found that, on average, lawyers took more classes in philosophy as undergraduates than did members
of other professions. The research surmised that students who take philosophy classes are more likely to become lawyers.
Conclusion: Most of the students who take philosophy class as UG's become lawyer.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the researcher’s conclusion?
A. Many undergraduates who indicate that they intend to pursue a legal career are told by their advisers to take a philosophy course.
Supports: Why most philosophy students become lawyer; because they were counseled that philosophy is kind of a necessity if a person wants to be a lawyer later.
B. During a trial, lawyers use their knowledge of philosophical arguments to attempt to influence the jury.
Out of scope. How lawyers' knowledge of philosophy can assist them in their practice.
C. Not all students who take philosophy classes as undergraduates become lawyers.
It doesn't undermine the conclusion because researcher concluded that students are likely to become lawyer. He never said all students become lawyer. Thus, this is just a restatement of conclusion.
D. Lawyers are also more likely to have taken classes in public speaking and political science than are members of other professions.
Extra information about lawyers. Out of scope.
E. The lawyers studied by the researcher indicated that taking philosophy courses gave them important insight into rhetoric and
Out of scope. Again, how lawyers' knowledge of philosophy can assist them in their law studies and profession.
Ans: None of the above.
One possible statement that could have undermined researcher's conclusion:
The number of lawyers researcher studied comprises less than 1% of people who are in that profession.