MyMBACircle is the largest community of curated students and alumni from top MBA schools where prospects can instantly book essay reviews, mock interviews, GMAT guidance, resume editing, and school-specific insights through 1-on-1 calls. We’re on a mission to democratize admissions support to the world’s most coveted business schools and make the process more transparent than it is today through honest & bite-sized mentoring.
We're angel-backed company present in Chicago, (Illinois), New Delhi (India) and Chile (Latin America) with an amazing roster of 60+ mentors including Harvard, Stanford, Chicago Booth, Wharton, INSEAD, ISB, Kellogg and more. These mentors represent the top companies such as MBB (McKinsey, Bain, BCG), Google, Apple, Goldman Sachs, World Bank, Private Equity/VC firms and diversified conglomerates.
Here are the various ways you can engage with us:
1. We regularly hold Webinars that you can subscribe to by logging into our website here
2. We have many free resources here related to each step of the MBA (GMAT guides, sample resumes, MBA brainstorming template etc.)
3. We also have a comprehensive MBA Application Strategy Guide developed by current students at the top 10 programs (Booth, Harvard, Stanford, INSEAD and others) to help you develop a successful application. Inside the document you will find how to select your target schools, craft an outstanding MBA resume, and develop your story and essays.
Download MBA Application Strategy Guide
4. Chat with any of the 60 mentors from top 15 global b-schools for free (15 minutes) and get an instant calendar invite here
Wondering how good the mentors are? Check out all our transparent reviews here and what 100+ candidates who have gone through our coaching say!