i'm an r2 applicant and recently had a local interview with an alumni and wanted to share what it was like. i've been to campus already, met current students, alums, and adcom while i was there, so opted to do my interview locally.
my interviewer is a recent alum and had a prepared set of questions to ask me. she set it up as a 30 min interview with time to ask questions at the end. she stayed true to that time by doing time checks throughout. her question were very standard and it was pretty much her going down her list of questions, with some follow-up based on what i said. prepping the most likely questions you'd expect to be asked was enough.
these are the questions i can remember:
- walk me through your resume and how it relates to what you want to do in the future
- why do you want an mba?
- how will your background and skills from previous job prepare you for business school? (this is the only one i hadn't anticipated)
- why ross?
- tell me about a teamwork experience
- tell me about a time you worked with someone difficult
- tell me about a time you experienced a big disappointment, either personally or professionally. what did you learn?
- how would people you've coached describe what it's like to work with you? (i don't manage people, but do work with people less tenured than me)
- you've talked about your involvement in XXX (an outside extra-curricular similar to a club at ross).
how would you contribute to your classmates during class?
- what is your greatest weakness?after that, i spent about 20 minutes asking questions and we went closer to an hour than the 45 minutes she had laid out in the beginning. i've got a pretty good understanding of ross, so my questions were geared towards her experiences - and that's always a good tactic to take if you're at a loss for questions to ask. students and alums who interview volunteer to do so because they love their schools. so they will love to talk about that with you
other resources to check out would be the
accepted.com interview feedback database and clearadmit's summaries.
if you want a fairly exhaustive list of questions, i've got a pretty good compilation here -
rhyme's also got a good write up here -
103-t55030good luck!