For the alternate career, I said public school principal. I'm currently teaching in the inner city and if I didn't go to bschool, I would probably want to remain in education and run a charter school as a principal, so that made sense as the answer for that question.
I thought I had this one done...but i am having 2nd thoughts. A teacher will be a mentor etc...so the skills will be soft skills..interpersonal, communication, leadership etc. Ross q is how will it help solve multi-disciplinary problems which I think are problems in fin+sales+mktg+ops+IT - ie a combination of a multiple of these. So what do soft skills have anything to do with these.
What I mean is you can become a principal and expand the school and say mktg+fin skills were reqd to handle this but how to relate soft skills to multi-disciplinary pbs?
I think the "multi-disciplinary" angle they're looking for is "How would being a rock climber (or whatever) ADD to your study of business?" Don't focus on exact translation of skills, think more about how this other possible career would make you MORE well-rounded as a business person... not why you're business skills would be better.