Question List
Questions listed in chronological order; you may want to start from the bottom. For updated list, visit my blog ... ions-tips/. It seems some questions have been rephrased; I’m including all of them just in case. Tell me about a time when you had to speak with someone that had an accent or couldn’t speak the same language as you. How did you adapt?
Tell me about a time when you had to speak with someone that had an accent or couldn't speak the same language as you. How did you adapt?
What makes you a good candidate for INSEAD?
Describe a time when you got a negative feedback from a supervisor/professor. How did it make you feel?
What is a risk you have taken that backfired?
What challenging goals have you set for yourself during your first year at INSEAD?
How has your decision to work in corporate diversity positively or negatively impacted you?
What does diversity mean to you?
Describe a time when understanding someone's perspective helped you to understand them better?
How would INSEAD MBA help you in your career objectives?
What are you expecting to learn during your INSEAD MBA?
How would you fight stereotypes in a work environment?
You are starting a new project with team members coming from different cultures and educational background. How would you make them meet?
What do you do when someone comes to you with a problem?
What was the most interesting project you have worked on? Why was it interesting to you?
How do you keep track of your vision? Or that of your company?
How would you establish the foundations of your company?
What is your management style?
How did you build your international experience?
What is diversity according to you?
Describe one situation where you faced ethical dilemma? How did you resolve it? What factors did you consider while resolving it?
What according to you is required to start and run a successful business?
One project which interested you the most and why?
If you could teach a class on any topic, what would it be and why?
Tell me what you like most about INSEAD.
Give me an example of how you convinced your other team members.
Give me an example of how you were attracted by culture from other countries.
What are 3 key successful factors to be an entrepreneur.
If you had an extra hour every day, what would you do with it?
What word describes you best and why?
Tell us about the first job you ever had?
What’s the best book you have ever read and why?
When you have a problem, whom do you approach for advice and why?
What accomplishment are you really proud of?
What’s the best piece of advice you have ever received?
If you could witness any event..past present or future-what would it be?
Tell us about an organization or activity in which you have dedicated significant time. Why was it meaningful to you?
What have anyone done good for you and how did you felt about it?
Tell us about the most interesting place you’ve traveled to. What did you enjoy most about it.
What invention during your lifetime has had the biggest impact on you and why?
If money was not a concern, what would you do?
What is the most meaningful thing anyone has done for you in your life?
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
What food do you like? Will you be able to eat that food everyday?
How have you changed in the last 5 years?
Whom do you respect most, and why?
What is your favorite motto or quote, and why
What risk have you taken and what did you learn?
What impact do you have on your co-workers?
Describe someone you know who lives a meaningful life and why
Have you ever faced discrimination? How did you react?
How do you keep track of your vision and the vision of your company
Name 3 key factors why you picked INSEAD
How do you keep abreast on the latest about INSEAD?
Describe a time you had a culture shock?
You are leading a group project with a team who have never met each other and are from diverse cultural/professional/educational backgrounds. What is your strategy for how to foster a collaborative environment?
How do you stay focused on your company's vision?
What skills do you think are necessary for an entrepreneur?
What are some stereotypes about your culture and how do you feel about them?
What do you do when someone comes to you with a problem?
What's your understanding of the INSEAD's MBA programme you are applying to?
Describe a time when understanding someone's culture helped you understand their perspective better
What do you do when someone comes to you with a problem?
What is your take on a meaningful life?
Your new boss from a different culture is being offensive in the local culture. What will you do?
Have you been criticized for a job you thought you did well? How did it make you feel?
How would you approach your classmate who is having a hard time adjusting to a new culture?
What are the challenging goals you have set for yourself during your year at INSEAD?
How is the diversity situation in your current company?
How meaningful should your career be to be considered successful?
What will INSEAD give you that no other MBA program will?
Describe a situation where your family/company has adopted something from a different culture and how has it impacted you (positive/negative).
Why should INSEAD offer you admission?
You are leading a group project with a team where a team member is not contributing. What will you do in the situation?
How would your colleagues describe your leadership style? Give an example.
What are the most important values and ethics that you demonstrate as a leader? Give me an example of this in practice?
In one minute tell me how INSEAD fits into your career plan?
What do you feel is the biggest challenge when dealing with people from another culture?
Tell me about a time when you received criticism on a piece of work you feel you have done very well. How did the criticism make you feel?
Tell me about a time when you had to deliver bad news. What was your strategy?
Why do you stand out compared with other candidates?
Tell me about a time you had an argument due to different culture. How did it make you feel?