Hello Experts,
Let me start with my background first
Undergrad- B.Tech( National Institute of technology, Silchar)
GPA - 7.82(This is CPI out of 10. Did not do the conversion)
Cofounded a Ecommerce startup in July 2019 with no significant growth
GMAT- First attempt without preparation (580). Will take again. Predicted Score 720(mock test score 690)
Professional Experience - 7 years in a Public Sector Engineering Company with following background as professional experience in domains a, b and c
a First 3 years of professional experience- Responsibility includes General layout of Steel Plants. and few Tender Offer Evaluation. Although i was not satisfied with my work.
b 2 years of Professional Experience in Highway Design Field but no such big projects . Designed few good Highways . Done few Tender offer Scrutiny Evaluation.
c 2 years of experience in a Construction project site. Responsibility ranges from Contract study to initiate negotiations with Stakeholders involved and preparation of some Contract obligations such as EOT(extension of time of Contract), Risk Mitigation , Deviations and Extra item analysis ,(Quality supervision) and Execution supervision
In a nutshell , i am not satisfied, even a bit, with my 7 years of long experience that i think has no much value as per my potential. So i am really confused that which role/ specialization in MBA will even suit me.?
I have good interest in Finance but have no certifications or experience in finance. I do not want to go into operations but have no problem with consulting . I tried to research some profiles but could not get into any conclusion.
So my queries are as follows:
In view of above background, which specialization that you think i should go for and why.?
What would be best for me ? General MBA program or Exec MBA
I dont want to do MBA in India except in ISB. Few school that i thought could be in for me are NUS , HEC Paris etc. So my question is considering the fact of Return on Investment (that i will do for MBA ) which schools would be best for me .Just consider the fact that i am not in a financially well being state. Expenses are more as of now. So would like to go for some reasonable tuition fees expenses.
And will there be any issue in getting a good job in abroad post MBA (considering the fact that I am good at studies and managing things)?
Will be glad if you experts can shed some light into my doubts and apprehensions
A few suggestions for you:
1. Seven years' experience is quite substantial. Instead of thinking negatively about it, you should think about all the impactful work you have done in these years, and how you can use it to your advantage in the MBA application. B-schools look out for achievers and a negative story similar to this would not cut ice with them. Moreover, if you tell them this, they would ask you what took you so long to make the shift?
2. With 7 years experience, it will be very difficult from a recruitment standpoint to start a completely new career. You should explore your strengths and current skills set to determine what career option would be best for you. Concentrations are not that big a thing- once you know your career goals, you can decide what specialization you will need.
3. I would not rule out studying at the IIMAs for their exec MBAs given your current situation. They have very competitive programs, and they may just be the right fit for you. You should research them further.
4. but before all else, you need to get GMAT out of the way.