Hi Sheetal15,
About 5 months ago, we discussed how you were planning to retake the GMAT in July; did you actually take the GMAT as planned (and if so, then how did you score?)? If you have been studying for several months without taking any practice CAT, then it's tough to decide whether you should switch to the GRE or not (since we don't have a sense of your current GMAT 'ability level'). As such, it would make sense for you to take a NEW practice CAT/mock (one that you have NOT taken before). Make sure to take it in a realistic fashion (take the FULL CAT - with the Essay and IR sections, take it away from your home, at the same time of day as when you'll take the Official GMAT, etc.). Once you have that score, you should report back here (or you can PM me directly) and we can discuss how best to proceed.
If you're interested in taking a practice GRE, then you can access 2 for free from
www.gre.orgGMAT assassins aren't born, they're made,