Hi all,
I was wondering if anyone knew of any books that specifically tackle data sufficiency questions?
I am really struggling with this part of the GMAT, everything else seems fairly straight forward but I feel like I just don't have the correct approach to tackling these questions and I try to avoid them.
I want to focus only on this section for a while - could anyone recommend books or guides specific for Data Sufficiency
You're not alone; almost everyone EVERYONE struggles with Data Sufficiency (DS) questions at first. Keep in mind that this question type is unique to the GMAT, so it's totally foreign territory.
It just takes time for the concepts and strategies to become secondary, at which point you may come to find that DS questions are actually easier/faster than Problem Solving questions.
Here are some videos that might help (Click Spoiler Link below to reveal 16 DS Videos)
Introduction to GMAT Data Sufficiency
The Elimination Method:
Avoiding Common Mistakes - Part I:
GMAT Data Sufficiency Strategies - Part I:
Summarizing Information:
Rephrasing the Target Question:
The Table Method:
Choosing Good Numbers:
Geometry Data Sufficiency Questions:
Useful Contradictions:
Avoiding Common Mistakes - Part II:
Common GMAT Data Sufficiency Myths - Part I:
Common GMAT Data Sufficiency Myths - Part II:
Choosing a Statement:
Guessing Strategically:
GMAT Data Sufficiency Strategies - Part II: