Hi THLind,
There are a variety of factors that can impact your performance on a CAT/mock, including the type of Exam that you're using, the time of day that you start the Exam, the testing conditions, how well-rested you are, the section-order, etc. The most realistic CATs available are the 6 from GMAC, so if you have not taken any of those CATs yet, then I suggest that you take one of those next - and make sure to take it in a realistic fashion that matches-up with what you will face when you take the Official GMAT (take the FULL CAT - with the Essay and IR sections, at the same time of day as when you'll take the Official GMAT, if you will be at a Test Facility, then wear a face mask, etc.). Once you have that Score, you should PM me and we can discuss the results and how you might best proceed with your studies.
It's also worth noting that the process of taking (and reviewing) a CAT requires a significant amount of energy and effort - and takes time to 'recover' from. This is one of the reasons why you typically should not take more than 1 CAT per week - and your last CAT should be taken about 1 week before Test Day. If you just took a CAT, then you should wait until next weekend to take your next one.
Before I can offer you the specific advice that you’re looking for, it would help if you could provide a bit more information on how you've been studying and your goals:
1) How long have you studied so far? How many hours do you typically study each week?
2) Have you used any other study materials besides the course that you mentioned?
3) Did you take any other CATs/mocks besides the two that you listed? On what dates (or approximate dates) did you take EACH of your CATs/mocks and how did you score on EACH (including the Quant and Verbal Scaled Scores for EACH)?
4) What is your overall goal score?
5) When are you planning to apply to Business School and what Schools are you planning to apply to?
GMAT assassins aren't born, they're made,
Contact Rich at: Rich.C@empowergmat.com