Hi there -
So if I'm understanding you correctly, you had a "moonlighting" provision at your company, so you couldn't be working somewhere else, right? That normally means that you can't be paid somewhere else. So, were you paid or was this like start-up consulting in your free time (eg. an extracurricular)? Many of my clients are involved in things like this and consider themselves to be advisers to start-ups or in the early stages of their own ideas that they wouldn't consider actual "second jobs", as many corporate moonlighting provisions describe them. So, that being said I think you may be overthinking it a bit. But be conservative with regards to anything ethical. You want to be truthful in what you've been doing.
Hope that helps - best of luck!
'Moonlighting' - nice word.
No, I wasn't paid for it. It was done with a friend and with his dad's money; a good amount of capital was required to set them up. One of the startup is in its third year of operation. Time to take money out of these ventures hasn't yet arrived
. This wasn't a normal extra-curricular activity as I was spending quite a lot of time in these firms. In addition, I have mentored a start-up, but I don't think that that is something meaningful enough to include in my application as an extra-curricular.