It looks like you mixed up the section results for # correct out of each section
They were:
27 (V)(44 %ile) - 26 correct out of 41
43 (Q) (70 %ile) - 27 correct out of 37
So that means 10 wrong on Quant and 15 wrong on verbal. For verbal, on some tests with 26 correct out of 41 your raw score may have converted to 28-30 but even with a score of 43Q / 30V, you would just be at around 610 for your overall score (not the 680-710 in your prior tests).
The reason it converted on the lower side is because you actually started getting Level 500 questions because you got some questions wrong -- see question #28-31. Then you started getting Level 500 questions correct Q#32-25. However, the test gave you 4 Level 500 questions before bumping you up to Level 600. Because of an extended period of time in this zone, you didn't get as many extra bonus points (since only the Level700 questions have the bonus value).
Further your time chart shows that you were below average speed on the test. Specifically starting from question #11 you began lagging the suggested time by 7 minutes. This put continued pressure for the rest of the test for you to finish on time and may have accounted for the unusually lower score.
This time pressure may be the reason why you got questions wrong and entered the Level 500 zone.
Don't be surprised by these unexpected outliers. There are test takers that score 680-710 on average test, then anxiety on test day or difficulty with a particular reading passage can get them stuck and bring down their overall score.
If you have further questions, please direct them to