How important is the west coast?
To me, it sounds like if you dont go to Tuck, and things don't turn out perfectly at UCLA, you'll always wonder "what if", and regret your choice...
I'm just judging off of the tone of your post
Thanks for the thoughts highwyre. West coast is the eventual goal, but if I end up somewhere else right out of school it wouldn't be the end of the world.
Just to give you an idea for me... I want to work on the east coast, no wiggle room... I will not be applying to haas or anderson, because they are almost fully west coast schools.
Chances are you'll make more money coming out of tuck, but theres a strong possibility you'll have limited options on the west coast coming out of school.
So, whats more important, money or location? Prestige or location? Fit or location?
What sounds worse? Making more on the east coast, and being homesick for the west coast
Making less on the west coast, and wondering how much more you could be making? What drives you more?