First of all, I believe that don't divide RC as 3 mins per question, it completely depends on the length of the passage and the difficulty. Try to complete a short passage in 6 mins and a long passage in 10 mins.
Secondly, GMAT, unlike CAT, is not solely about accuracy, it is adaptive and will try to adjust according to your level of proficiency.
Finally, if you attend only 30 questions, that means you are leaving out 6 questions - there is a HUGE (and I can't stress this enough) penalty for unanswered questions on the GMAT. Never, ever do that!
Dear All,
Currently, I am targetting a gmat score of 720. So, I'm planning to achieve it with a Q50,V37
Please see if the following strategy might translate to V37
RC 3min per question *10
SC 1.5 min per question *10
CR 2 min per question *10
So I attend 30 questions with accuracy of 80%, getting 24 correct, in the rest 6 I guess them and get atleast 2 correct, overall 26 correct answers........
Will I get V37 ???