I am not really concerned about the number of people applying from the Indian Male IT pool. The problem really is the deep rooted perceptions what we have to fight day in and day out. Most people outside have no clue what Indian consulting companies do on a daily basis and how much thought/leadership is needed to do well in our jobs. People generally refuse to believe that we are capable leaders. It is this ignorance and arrogance that affects our chances.
Even on this forum, the number of misconceptions about indian IT folks is incredible.
One member posted how elite consultants never visit this forum and went on to qualify that people from Indian IT companies are not "true" consultants. And by the way, how does anyone define a "true" consultant.
Another member once posted "unless you are an Indian IT consultant earning $2000 a month, you should buy something else...". Are people stupid enough to believe that we earn only $2000 per month?
I could go on and on.
I am willing to give the forum members here the benefit of the doubt and believe that such statements are merely a reflection of their ignorance and not their arrogance. But, what about those high faluting consultants who get paid $200 an hour. One guy told me that I have a may-be chance at some NEF school and not a school higher. Apparently, leading teams for an Indian based consulting company is not "true" leadership. Sure, there are many great NEF schools, but the way he passed over my accomplishments, purely based on his own opinions about the Indian IT demographic, was incredibly stupid. Anyway, I can only fault myself for asking outsiders about my chances.
Guys, the only constructive way to fight all this is by writing concise, thoughtful essays that truly reflect who we are. By doing that, we make it difficult for schools to reject us. Dont worry if you havent saved a drowning child or climbed the Everest. In reality, less than 1% of applicants do these things.
We will all make it to a school that we deserve.