Thanks for your vote & advice! So blessed to have this choice...gone over so many matrices, consulted with a ton of people, accepted then declined an offer and now am in my final stretch of choosing!!
Background: 31 w 8 yrs of exp: 4 consulting, 4 tech
Post MBA goal: social impact and investing
- love the culture! Very me
- has been dream school since I was younger (but then goal was to go to BCG - it's not anymore)
- but feel like it may be similar to my US undergrad in business
- afraid I may skew too old esp in my second yr
- love the diversity - I lived in 6 countries and speak 4 languages so kinda me
- love the duration and break I would get before starting (5 months)
- but afraid I won't get as much out of it as I would w the 2Y and all the extra curriculars Kellogg focuses on w proximity to Chicago and all the opportunities just a train ride away