Hey Guys,
Below is my thought process for all the remaining questions
Para 1: - - Feminists took side of Royalists in the English Civil War
- But Royalists believed in the absolute power of a male i.e. a king ruling over the kingdom
- But there is no also significant difference with regards to female rights between Royalists and Parliamentarians
- Therefore author thinks feminists should be equally divided between the two groups
Para 2: - - Gallagher argues that the absolute monarchy(A king ruling over the kingdom) helped feminists to believe about absolute self
- Gives an example of Cavendish
- Feminists believed in cavendish's ideology but didn't believe to isolate oneself
97. The passage suggests which of the following about the seventeenth-century English women mentioned in line 2?
A: Their status as forerunners of modern feminists is not entirely justified
The passage is not concerned with the status of feminists but rather why feminists took the royalist side even when royalists believed in absolute monarchyB They did not openly challenge the radical patriarchalism of Royalist Filmerian ideology
Same reasoning as AC: Cavendish was the first among these women to criticize women's subordination in marriage and assert women equality with men
Nothing such as this option is mentioned. Also we don't know if she was the first woman to do soD: Their views on family organization and women's political rights were diametrically opposed to those of both Royalist and Parliamentarian ideology
Trap answer according to me. The feminists view did not oppose the views of royalists and parlimentarians. The passage doesn't say anything like this. If they did oppose, then feminists shouldn't have taken the side of royalists as well. The passage says otherwise E: Historians would be less puzzled if more of them were identified with the Patriarchalism side in the English Civil Wars.
bingo! yes, the last few lines of the first para says that parlimentarians and royalists had similar views in terms of woman's right etc. So feminists should be equally divided between the two groups.98. The passage suggests that Margaret Cavendish's decision to become a author was motivated, at least in part, by a desire to
A: Justify her support for the Royalist cause
The author cites her book/work as an example that lead to belief of absolute self. its not the other way roundB: Encourage her readers to work toward eradicating Filmer Patriarchalism
Nothing such as this is mentined nor can be inferredC: Persuade other women to break free from their political and social isolation
same reasoning as BD: Analyze the cause for women's exclusion from the pursuit of power
Same reasoning as BE: Create a world over which she could exercise total control
Bingo! The author mentions that cavendish believed in a world in which shoe could be a mistress of her own world. This can be potential reason for cavendish to write the book99. The Phrase "a satellite orbiting a dominant male planet" refers most directly to
A: Cavendish's concept that each woman is a sovereign self
B: the complete political and social isolation of absolute singularity
C: the immaterial world that a writer can create on paper
D: the absolute subordination of women in a patriarchal society
This one looks good.E: the metaphorical figure of the absolute monarch
101. which of the following,if true, would most clearly undermine Gallagher`s explanation of the link between Royalism and feminism?
Prethinking :- Looking for an option which says that the views were of cavendish were wrong or feminists didn't agree withA: Because of their privileged backgrounds, Royalist women were generally better educated than were their Parliamentarians counterparts
we are not bothered about educationB: Filmer himself had read some Cavendish's early writings and was highly critical of her ideas
even if filmer was critical, we don't know if feminists had the same viewC: Cavendish's views were highly individual and were not shared by other Royalist women who wrote early feminist works
Coincides with the prethinking I mentioned aboveD: The Royalist and Parliamentarian ideologies were largely in agreement on issues of family organization and women's political rights
A repeat of what is already said in the passage. This is in no way hurting the arguementE: The Royalists side included a sizable minority faction that was opposed to the more radical tendencies of Filmerian patriarchalism
even if they minority faction didn't believe filmer's view, were the minority factions feminists ? we don't know about this102. The primary purpose of the passage is to:
(A) trace the historical roots of modern sociopolitical movement
No not at all(B) present one scholar's explanation for a puzzling historical phenomenon
looks ok. The passage whats to find out why feminists chose royalists even though the royalists believed in absolute monarchy(C) contrast two interpretations of the ideological origins of a political conflict
The passage is not talking about a political conflict(D) establish a link between the ideology of an influential political theorist and that of a notoriously eccentric writer
The passage doesn't want to link the ideology. Rather the passage wants to find out why feminists chose royalists who believed in absolute monarchy. This is a trap answer according to me(E) call attention to some points of agreement between opposing sides in an ideological debate
The pssage is not debating anythingP.S : - Don't forget to give kudos