I'm not convinced by Q2 answer is A. As per my understanding, LaFaber did not question the success of Marshal plan, rather he questioned the intent of Marshal plan. The first sentence of the paragraph says that "Many historians consider the Marshall Plan one of the United States’ major foreign policy successes of the last century.". I don't see LaFaber contending that the plan failed, rather he is saying the plan helped to revive US economy and not the Western Europe economy.
(A) would have been more appropriate if it said "It provides evidence that might undermine the viewpoint of the historians mentioned in the first sentence paragraph".
@Experts, please let me know your views.
I'm echoing this viewpoint. To choose A as the answer would have to assume that the "historians" mentioned in the first sentence ONLY considered Marshal Plan a success if it provided economic value to Europe, and can we really make that assumption here (in setting of answering RC questions on GMAT)?
In other words, if we hold no assumptions to the the definition of "success" held by the "historians", they could be considering the Marshal Plan a success in the same way that LaFeber's interpretation of the Marshall Plan. So he really isn't undermining the viewpoint of the historians, but questioning its intent, like "yeah it's successful alright, but not in the way you may think it is. This is the real reason why it's considered a success."
Am I reach a little too hard for answer C here?