Many of the thousands of students currently enrolled in night courses hope for the exchanging of their drab jobs for new careers that are challenging.
A. for the exchanging of their drab jobs for new careers that are challenging
B. for exchanging drab jobs for new careers that will challenge them
C. to exchange their drab jobs with new careers that will be new and challenging
D. to exchange their drab jobs for new and challenging careers
E. to exchanging their drab jobs and find careers that will be new and challenging
One idiom being tested here is
hope for versus
hope to. One can hope for something to happen or for a thing-hope for a peaceful resolution to the problem. One can also hope to do something-hope to travel the world one day.
In this sentence, the students want to do something: change careers. The proper idiom is
hope to. Eliminate (A) and (B). Another idiom tested here is
exchange for, so (C)'s
exchange with is wrong. (E) doesn't specify what the "drab jobs" are being exchanged for.