Hi, thanks for the reply, happy to provide more details!
1) I haven't studied much - I would estimate a total of 20-30 hours, very scattered over a couple of months
2) Official GMAT books and some Veritas materials; I know the "rules of the game" and what GMAT is all about, and now I need to focus on remembering mathematical concepts, learning more content on the Verbal side and doing things faster
3) I'm currently at 680/700 range on 3-4 official prep tests, scoring 48/49 on Quant (I am an engineer and I believe I should be able to get to at least Q50 by recapping some concepts and more practice) and 38/40 on Verbal (bigger deficiency definitely SC; RC has been rather slow and eats out time which affects score)
On goals, I have 4 weeks to maximize my score (ideally 740/750) and I'll put a lot of effort into that (~80-100h over that period) - all other points you've mentioned are decisions I have already made and that for a variety of personal and professional reasons, I will not revisit - these variables are unfortunately off the table for now.
Hi willrs3,
Before I can offer you the specific advice that you’re looking for, it would help if you could provide a bit more information on how you've been studying and your goals:
1) How long have you studied? How many hours do you typically study each week?
2) What study materials have you used so far?
3) On what dates did you take EACH of your CATs/mocks and how did you score on EACH (including the Quant and Verbal Scaled Scores for EACH)?
4) When is your exact Official Test Date?
5) When are you planning to apply to Business School?
6) What Schools are you planning to apply to?
GMAT assassins aren't born, they're made,