Hey Waffles -
First of all, I love your profile. We work with plenty of ‘non-traditional’ applicants each year and they do very well, based on what you’ve shown me here there’s no reason to believe you can’t be competitive at the schools that you’ve listed. We wrote a piece a few months ago on non-traditionals and some of the typical pitfalls that you can check out here:
https://www.vantagepointadmissions.com/s ... -Program-1.
Let’s review what you’ve given us and some potential flags -
Experience wise it seems like energy has been a consistent thread, but you’ve done a lot in the last ~6 years. Was SAIS part time or full time? If it was full time, this only further aggravates my concern. Your work experience is highly differentiated, and this is a strong advantage. What’s worrisome is that at least based on what you’ve listed below, you’ve bounced around a lot and have crammed a lot of experiences into a pretty short period of time. The 0.5 years of this and that is a further flag that you’re going to need to address. This is where you’re going to need to thread the needle and explain to the adcom how each position built off the last one, and I’m hoping that energy policy can provide the backbone of this.
On the academic front you’re ok. The 3.3 could be higher, but Bowdoin is a great school, and you had credible majors. The 3.7 from SAIS helps, but really the 740 is going to be a huge help for you. Looking back at Bowdoin, what grades did you have in quant classes? If they were weak/non-existent you should really look at doing some online or community classes in calc, accounting, finance as part of your application.
Your post MBA plans focusing on MBB make sense, especially with your international experience. A lot of applicants discuss wanting to go into consulting, but few focus on the international offices. For what it’s worth, from my own experience at Kellogg, the overseas offices are easier to recruit into. As you mentioned, many of these country offices don’t have the domestic or regional education programs to support their needs so they are heavily reliant on US and frankly mainly European programs. The fact that you speak Arabic already is a huge differentiater. Your goal of building out your own media company is going to take some more explaining.
Happy to chat further if you’d like. Feel free to drop me a line and we can set up a 30 minute consult.