couple of points -- admissions committees don't care about big-name firms. It is like being in a relationship with someone who is high maintenance. Sure they look good, but at some point you tired of having to live up to those expectations. Then the relationship is over. but enough about my personal history.
what admissions committees want and what they look for a very base level are good people. Don't worry about being a rock star or working for JT Marlin or perhaps Blue Star Airlines. I know this may sound over simplistic but admissions committees are people too, and they look down to earth people. Gordon Gecko types need not apply - those who over rely on to a brand name are usually compensating for shortcoming.
the PhD from UC Irvine was successful and all the schools he apply to. They really did not receive any feedback on their application -- as he were accepted to all the schools that he applied. the PhD candidate in the going t very, very good business school located in Southern California.
If you would like more information on his specific case, please private message me and I will clear it with him.
What I can offer you right now is this -- if you would like to speak on the phone this week for an hour, I am more than willing to. I believe that you have the beginning of a very compelling candidacy. You just need some help in bringing those experiences to light. I can help. This one-hour conversation something that you'd be interested in, please let me know.
Paul Lanzillotti
Hi Paul,
Thanks for the input. I think there is more than enough to discuss as I have good answers for every 'work related experience' question you posed above. I have plenty of experience leading small teams, collaborating with top surgeons, publishing papers to conferences and peer-reviewed journals in addition to extracurricular-related leadership experience. I just don't want adcoms at the ultra elites to blow it off since it didn't happen at a big name firm.
I'm curious, if you don't mind me asking, how successful was the student from UC Irvine at getting into schools? Did he/she receive any feedback about their application? I certainly understand if you can't answer, and I appreciate your thoughts thus far.