Background: Went to Top 20 school (carnegie, usc, ucla)
Work at BB IB’s front office role for 3 years
Considering M7 + LBS + Insead
I got an offer from a company which provides a training service to Banks’ new recruits. It would be a very interesting experience in that I could improve a public speech skills by a lot and I can share knowledge i have acquires for my career at IB.
I never had a chance to explore outside of a safe/right track career and was intrigued by this offer.
But I wonder if this would hurt my chance in getting into MBA.
Can anyone adivse?
Posted from my mobile device
There are other ways to share knowledge/ improve public speaking skills which may not require you to quit your job. IMO, changing your job if it doesn't directly align with your post MBA goals is not going to be helpful. You can address your public speaking skills by joining an org such as Toastmasters, and sharing knowledge at work.
Outside of work, you can take up an extracurricular activity that excites you and where you can help others.