Hi guys,
I needed some advice on which resource I should buy. To give a little background, I’ll be taking the GMAT in the first week of October. My current score is somewhere between 660-700. My weak points are DS (I’m absolutely crap at solving those) and my stress throughout the exam. I need practice but I also need to get myself used to taking mocks. I’m debating between
Experts global (15 mocks for $50) and
Manhattan Prep (6 mocks, 9 question banks with over 200 questions, and around 500 quant questions with 700+ difficulty for $75). While there aren’t plenty of reviews about EG, the ones that are there are positive. And Manhattan is a known brand, although I’ve heard the quant is relatively difficult (which might be a blow to my already low confidence. Not that I want a false confidence boost but I hope you get it). So, which one should I go for?
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
Posted from my mobile deviceHi Sanjana0202,
Welcome to GMATCLUB! Although I think both the resources are great, in your final few weeks, I think you should go with Manhattan. Yes the Quant questions are a notch harder than the official GMAT but they are still great for practice. Further their verbal question especially their SC is absolutely incredible and will indeed help you improve. In general the quality of questions in
MGMAT is one of the best among all the unofficial resources.
Hope this helps. All the best!