Actually, mentioned schools are listed within the top 75 schools globally by FT, both schools have a high standard brand name.
Rotterdam is at 55th rank in 2019 by Financial Time, having 88% percent of the class accepted a job offer within 3 months of graduation. Placing the students majorly in industries i.e. Customer Packaged Product and Consulting with an average salary of $117,972
Purdue ranking at 75th place, having 80% employment rate for class 2018. Purdue has good placement in industries like Manufacturing, Consumer Products, and Consulting with an average salary of $103,017.
Speaking through the facts, Purdue MBA is 2 years program whereas Rotterdam MBA is a 1-year program. 1 year MBA in Rotterdam will cost you $58,804 + your living expenses approx $20,355 as living expenses. wherein Purdue will cost you $85,120 as tuition for 2 years and living expenses. If I were you, considering investment and ROI, I would have easily chosen Purdue on Rotterdam with a full scholarship.
Sir it is Michigan ross mscm vs purdue