Scaori Tribes made great use of the Kalahari pig: it was a source of meat, and its hide was used for clothing, its hooves for fat, and its sinews and gut for bow strings.
A. pig: it was a source of meat, and its hide was used for clothing, its hooves for fat, and its sinews and gut
B. pig: it was a source of meat, and its hide used for clothing, with its hooves for fat, and its sinews and gut used
C. pig: which was a source of meat, with its hide used for clothing, hooves for fat, as well as its sinews and gut used
D. pig: which, as well as being a source of meat, its hide was used for clothing, its hooves for fat, and its sinews and gut were
E. pig: with, as well as being a source of meat, its hide used for clothing, its hooves for fat, and its sinews and gut
which i sclearly wrong after COLON :, so C and D are wrong
E is out for very awkward construction
A and B correctly speak about he pig
A. pig:
it was a source of meat, and
its hide was used for clothing, its hooves for fat, and its sinews and gutthere are two parts to it as shown by different colour, first talks of the pig itself and second about different parts of pig - hide, hooves and sinews and gut..
In A, all parts are parallel to each other and correct
B. pig: it was a source of meat, and its hide used for clothing,
with its hooves for fat, and its sinews and gut used
Parallelism in it was a source of meat, and its hide
was used, no reason to omit was
with its hooves for fat NOT correct