Quick background story
- Accepted into med school out of high school special program (1 out of 20 in the country at the time)
- Received honors bachelors of biology degree in 2008 (GPA = 3.93 - 3.97)
- Start med school in 2008 and stretch the first two years into four (due to family member - father - illness)
- Completed every M1/M2 (first two year) classes except Pathology, wasnt allowed to continue so i withdrew
- Spent the next 5 years working at my uncle's dentistry clinic managing the clinic with his help
- Only other work experience is that I was a tech at a pharmacy for 5-7 years
Should I even sit for the GMAT and apply to business school or are my shots at getting into a top 10-15 school completely shot to begin with??
Finally, i am turning 32 this May
Was thinking of focusing on my high level of academics before Med School and saying I withdrew due to helping my uncle / dad run their clinics and decided medicine wasnt for me
Besides that I dont know how to explain the gap
If I take the GMAT I plan on using the following resources:
Manhattan books- Manhattan foudnation books
Magoosh videos
OG questions (3 books)
- Exam packs 1,2,3 package
Any and all help would be greatly appreciated as time is of the essence