Official Solution: James Cameron, in his movie scenes, meticulously integrating them with his state of the art special effect sequences, banked on his exceptional cinematography skills and understanding of innovative new technologies.A. James Cameron, in his movie scenes, meticulously integrating them with his state of the art special effects sequences,
B. In his movie scenes, meticulously integrating them with his state of the art special effects sequences, James Cameron
C. In his movie scenes, which he meticulously integrated with his state of the art special effects sequences, James Cameron
D. Meticulously integrated with his state of the art special effects sequences, James Cameron, in his movie scenes
E. James Cameron, in his movie scenes, meticulously integrated them with his state of the art special effect sequences and
This sentence awkwardly presents two phrases intended to modify James Cameron and loses the clarity and logic of the meaning. In the original sentence, these modifiers sound choppy and create too much separation between the subject, James Cameron, and the verb banked. Beginning the sentence with “In his movie scenes” and following that phrase with the relative clause “which he meticulously integrated with his state of the art special effects sequences” allows the subject, James Cameron, to be united with the verb, capitalized, for a stronger main clause.
- The participial phrase does not clearly modify the noun in the preceding phrase; use of the present progressive form of the verb confuses the sequence of time with respect to the past tense of the main verb banked.
- Phrase "meticulously integrating" … illogically modifies the noun that immediately precedes it: movie scenes; James Cameron, not the movie scenes, did the coordinating.
- Correct. The correct placement of the modifying elements makes this sentence easier to understand; the use of which clearly links the two elements.
- This sentence is incorrectly implying that “James Cameron” is “meticulously integrated with his...” i.e. meticulously integrated is modifying “James Cameron”. The correct meaning should imply that “James Cameron” meticulously integrated his movie scenes with....
- The participial phrase does not clearly modify movie scenes; the relationships among the parts of the sentence are unclear.
Answer: C