Dear GMAC team,
After not receiving any reply from GMAC on the forum or on email, I decided to talk with the GMAC phone support today.
I specifically asked about the investigation into my first test.
As it turned out, the investigation had several cracks. Over the time, the investigation has given different outcomes.
• I took the first GMAT (the test in question) on Nov 23. During the test the computer crashed twice and on the same day, I wrote an email to GMAC “The computer crashed after the AWA and Integrated reasoning section – This happened in front of the test administrator (you can verify this with the computer logs and the video recording), he tried to get the computer back on but it crashed again (again, you can verify this with the computer logs and the video recording). It was on the second attempt that the computer started”. As you can read, I clearly mentioned that the computer had crashed twice after the AWA and Integrated reasoning section
• I called the GMAT customer care on Nov 26 and this was when an incident number (205361320) was created and an investigation started.
• According to the phone rep with whom I had a talk today, the case was edited on Dec 2 with comments ‘no issues found’
• I talked to the Phone rep on Dec 10 or 11, he mentioned that the investigators found the system had shut down, but at the same time he could not let me know how many times and when in the test.
• When I talked to the Proctor at the test center, he mentioned that the investigators had found that the system had shut down only once (just before printing the score report).
• According to the phone rep with whom I had a talk today, the same case was again edited again on Jan 6 (Almost 1 and half months after the incident); this time it found that the PC had crashed/shut down twice (something that I have been maintaining from day 1)…the phone support still does not know the time of the crash.
So after 1 and a half months of investigation, the investigators found the real issue – this seriously puts the investigation to question. If the investigators had checked the logs properly, this was a day’s work. What it involves is checking the logs with open eyes.
The shoddy investigation strengthens my stand that the scores that I received are also not my real scores. I couldn't have scored 570 twice. The tests need to be checked again. If I assume that a majority of the questions that I got right were experimental questions but it is highly improbable that something like that would happen twice – if this has really happened, then the software needs to be re-looked into.
Once bitten –twice shy. At this point in time, even if you start an investigation, frankly saying, I will be very doubtful of the investigators’ intent, but I am hoping against hope.
Finally, the phone rep today also mentioned that the Unofficial and Official score reports have never varied. This puts to question the purpose of the score comparison at the Pearson hub.
Govind Singh Patwal
Something very similar happened to me. It took them quite some time to fix it.
That is very strange. I thought that a GMAT software glitch would only happen to me. It also happened to you.
I will update you on what happened if they deny my claim for a test score cancellation or my money back.