Can you talk a little bit about your study patterns? Around how many hours a week were you studying and what was the split between weekend/weekdays?
Also does cramming work? Some of my buddies are able to study for 6 hours at a time. I personally think that is insane, and the most I can do straight is 2 hours at a time.
It really varied depending on my workload at work. The Veritas course was 3 hours 2x a week for 6 weeks. I studied when I could during the weekdays otherwise but I probably averaged under 5 hours/week during the weekdays with another 6 hours or so on the weekend, usually broken up into chunks. I've found that for me, it is easier to do an hour or two of studying, take a break for a few hours, then get back into it. I also would keep myself fresh by switching between Q and V. For example, I might do an hour of geometry problems, then dive into an hour of verbal.
Quite a bit of my study time was spent watching the
Magoosh videos, however, and reading the skillbuilders and lessons in the Veritas course books. I also download the
Magoosh GMAT Flashcards App on my phone and would look through them when I had a few minutes to kill, such as between meetings at work or while on the subway.
How was anxiety for test day and sleep the night before?
No issues for me. I'm actually a First Lieutenant in the Marine Corps Reserves so that might have something to do with my generally calm composure before and through the test. I will admit though that on the last 3 or 4 Verbal questions, knowing that my test score was coming, the anxiety suddenly hit me like a brick wall. I had the noise-cancellation headphones on, so I could hear my heart rapidly beating and I had to re-read the questions several times before I comprehended what they were saying. Fortunately, I had plenty of time left on the section so I could afford my lapse into anxiety.
Funnily enough, the last answer submission does not immediately generate your score. I had several pages of demographic information to fill out so my score kind of sneaked up on me in the end.
Last question:
How did you treat yourself after the big score (if you did at all) ?
I didn't do anything. Sorry for not being exciting!