Hi Friends, the AWA, IR and Quant were all breezy and i completed Quant section with 6-7 minutes to spare! However, even though the verbal section appeared average and not tough, i somehow bombed and was unable to complete the last 2 questions due to time constraints!
I ended up scoring IR 7, Q49 and V31 with a 660. I may consider re-taking with special focus on verbal some time later. I do not want to rush just for the deadlines this year, may be sometime next year and try to secure a respectable GMAT score.
That's so sad...............Non natives are having a damn tough time in scoring verbal.
Looks like our education system methodology has to be revamped for better if not for only GMAT.
I really feel Ironic that we are struggling as if we are learning how to read now after having roughly 20 years of education.
The only soothing aspect of your score is IR.(sadly not of much use
Sorry if my comment hurts you in any way.