Your GMAT & GPA are good so in theory you have a good shot at top schools. Your challenge will be differentiating yourself. White males with good stats & consulting backgrounds are a dime a dozen when it comes to b-school applicants, so you'll need to convince the adcom that they should admit YOU vs. all the people who will "look like" you on paper. There are various ways to do that -- if you have particularly unique or impressive accomplishments at work compared to peers (to show you are different and/or the best of the best), if you have unique extracurriculars or unusual amounts of leadership experience for your age, if you've faced any particular personal hardships in your life but succeeded despite the odds, etc. Your post-MBA goals are also a chance to differentiate yourself and are a critical factor in determining the strength of your candidacy since your why MBA/why our school rests on those and the skill gaps you need to get there.
Long story short, you have the potential to get into these schools but you'll need to be ready to show a unique value proposition so they admit you instead of the competition. The good news is that you're thinking way ahead so you can take intentional steps to make sure you don't blend in with the crowd when it comes time to apply.
If you decide you want some help thinking through your strategy & your story definitely reach out to us. We offer an advanced planning service for people like yourselves who are thinking ahead & want to know what to do to make sure their app is as strong as possible. If you email Claudia at she can share the details & answer any questions & you can also see more info here! ... g-program/