Hello Everyone
I have scheduled my second attempt for August 10th.
In the next month I want to polish my SC skills and get up to at least a 40 level for both CR and RC.
In quant I have been working on my weaknesses, and hope this time round I manage a 49 at least if not 51!!
To achieve all of the above, I need some tips from the experienced ppl, so that I can utilize next 30 days to the best of my capability! I have to start working on apps once this gets over and I definitely don't have another go at GMAT if I bomb it this time round!
I am taking GMAT Prep exams every week, taken two so far(repeats) and scored 720/730 resp.
I am doing silly mistakes in Q - with much undesired consistency! In CR I simply lose focus - out of fear, SC and RC has been better.
These scores aren't different from my previous preparation schedule and am afraid I will again come back with a low score. Last attempt my score was 650.
With much at stake, I am looking for a lot of motivation to crack it! I have attempted all the 700-800 level documents for all the topics. If there are more question banks that I can practice with, I would be eager to attempt those.
Thanks for your time!
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