Factory line A assembles materials and makes leather bags at a rate of 25 bags/hour. Exactly an hour later, factory line B starts production of leather bags at a rate of 30 bags/hour. In how many minutes will the two factory line have produced the same number of leather bags?
(A) 5
(B) 11
(C) 250
(D) 300
(E) 360
Let n = the number of hours that line B has been in production. Since line A started production 1 hour prior to line B, its time in production is n + 1 hours. We can use the equation:
25(n + 1) = 30n
25n + 25 = 30n
25 = 5n
5 = n
So, the same number of bags are produced in 5 x 60 = 300 minutes.
Answer: D
As per the below solution, U have calculater the number of hrs B take, but in question its talking about the number of hrs two factory lines will take.
So if we calculate the numbers of factory line A has worked is 360 mins.
Seems like this question is poorely written.
Both 360 and 300 can be the ans depending upon the inference of a test taker
Posted from my mobile deviceHi
You are correct
That was precisely my query, one should be honest about one's reply rather than formulate the explanation to suit the OA.
IMO there is no way we can be sure whether total time from beginning or time taken after B starts , is being asked for here.
if any moderator can correct me , I would be grateful.
Edited the stem to make the question less ambiguous.