OFFICIAL EXPLANATIONProject SC Butler: Sentence Correction (SC2)
Latin America has no single dominant Spanish dialect: the range of Spanish encompasses many styles, speeds, and slang, with each a product of their local influences, from the fast-paced, clear Colombian variants to the more obvious, melodic Argentinian alternatives.
This question is kinda beastly.
Each is singular 99% of the time.
Each of the players wears a different number.In this setup,
each is a determiner. More on that subject below -- mentioned in NOTES.
But if
each follows a plural subject such as
the players or
they, then
each is a pronoun and is
The players each wear a different number.They each wear a different number.This question lures you into the "each is ONLY singular" trap.
TAKEAWAYS• when EACH comes
before the subject, even if the target is plural, EACH is always singular:
Each Spanish dialect [is] a product of XYZ.• we do not use the determiner
each before plural nouns such as
(We could say "each of the dialects." But we are not given that option.)
See my Notes, below, in which I link two posts about the word "each."
• BUT if
each comes
after the subject or noun, then
each can be plural if the noun is plural.
They each wear a different number.THE OPTIONSQuote:
A) with each a product of their
each = singular dialect whose pronoun should be
its, not
each = each of the dialects•
with is unnecessary. And weird.
→ what is
with doing in this sentence? Answer: nothing logical. Buh-bye.
B) each products of their
each products is babble
each is singular.
Products is plural.
→ as a determiner (before the noun), each is always singular and
cannot be paired with plural
products.→ There is no such thing as
each products.
OK: Each product
OK: Each of the products
WRONG: Each products.
• wrong pronoun (their)
each, singular, should not be paired with
their, plural.
Their should be
C) each products of
• same problem as that in B:
each products is babble
D) with each as a product of its
• as in option A, the word
with adds nothing to this sentence exception confusion
• the word
as is not necessary.
KEEP, but hope that E is better.
E) each a product of
• bingo
each a product of its [local influences] is an appositive that defines, elaborates on, or defines the noun
dialects→ most appositives consist of [noun] + [noun modifiers]
noun here = each
noun modifiers = a product of
•This answer is better than answer D.
→ In D,
with and
as are unnecessary. Eliminate D.
The correct answer is E.NOTESFor a fun (but hard) question to which my "each" posts are attached, see
this thread, by clicking here.
I describe and explain the usage of
each in two posts on that thread.
→ One of the EACH posts
is here (click)..
→ The other EACH post
is here. Those posts should help.
COMMENTSThis question tests an issue that a person just has to learn about somewhere: how
each works.
GMAC uses "each" quite often.
chillbrorelax ,
amit2100 , and
SairamRamo , welcome to SC Butler (probably your second welcome today).
I am impressed with the quality, depth, and range of nearly all of these answers.
Aspirants should read this thread.
The more ways in which you are exposed to ideas, the more likely you are to learn and remember them.
(Unless the subject is golf and the student is yours truly. I compete in other sports in which putting—the ninth level of hell,
see Dante—is not involved.)
I am very glad to see people
taking risks, such as adding humor to posts, changing the way that they explain concepts, or even posting at all.
My standing invitation to all aspirants to post still stands.
Really nice work. Be safe.