Thank you for your post. There are definitely some nice features to your profile, including your three years of international experience in the U.S. (look for opportunities to unpack that, the challenges, what you learned, etc. in your resume and essays, and possibly consider whether you can pull a recommender from that time period); the seemingly successful startup experience (again, unpack the value of that experience, what you've done, what you've learned, how you grew, whether you stepped outside your comfort zone, etc.); and the apparent relevance of your experience to your future goals (at the same time, make sure the specificity of your goals, why you need an MBA to achieve them, and how each school uniquely enables you to fill those gaps is all further developed, in line what I've written about
in this blog post... I'd also work on developing your medium- and long-term goals).
Beyond doing a great job conveying all of the above (and more) via your resume, essays, recommendations, and interviews, the more "black and white" challenge for you right now rests with your GMAT score, particularly when applying from such a crowded and competitive national and professional demographic. Indian applicants with a 710 GMAT score have
roughly a 2% acceptance rate across the entirely of the U.S. top 20; as you might imagine, that rate is even lower among M7 and T10 type schools. If you want to be competitive in the T15, then I would target a 740+. I know that's easier said than done, and 710 is a very good score, but that's the reality of the admissions landscape when applying from such a crowded and competitive demographic (and alongside a lower-ish GPA from a Tier 2 school). At present, your best potential "shots" would lie with the likes of Tepper, McCombs, and Foster, but even then, I'd rather see you improve your score first, and real chances at those schools would still depend heavily on superb application execution (in line with my previous comments).
If you have any questions or would like to discuss these topics further by phone (and begin to develop an understanding of how to think about your story, goals, and application-related elements), please feel free to sign up for a Free Consultation via this link:
https://www.avantiprep.com/free-consultation.html. I hope we have the opportunity to chat and I wish you the best of luck!
Best Regards,