Hi, and thanks for writing! You definitely have some strong elements to your profile, given your solid work experience and meaningful community involvement, along with the diversity factor. I wouldn't let the GPA deter you, but you will want to explain it in the optional essay, outlining the factors you'd mentioned (and, mentioning anything you might have done differently in college in retrospect). You might also consider retaking the GMAT for a 740+ or taking a quantitative course for a grade - one or both of these efforts would help further offset your GPA.
Of the list, I'd consider Darden, Tuck, and Fuqua to be good targets. The others are reaches, but not necessarily out of range if you 1. apply early and 2. execute a strong application in which you make a strong case for why the program is a strong fit for you based on its culture and resources. If you're very interested in CBS and would consider it a top choice, I'd strongly consider applying Early Decision.
I hope that helps!
Hi, just wanted to get some feedback on my MBA profile. I took the GMAT but am still on the fence about applying because of my low GPA. I would not likely consider any programs outside the ones listed below, yet I understand they all might be a stretch.
Target Schools:
Looking to apply R1 in 2020 for a fall 2021 start.
730 (Q48,V42)
2.8 from top liberal arts (i.e. Amherst/Middlebury/Swarthmore)
-Had no parent support at school. Brother never went to undergrad. Spent significant figuring out my own loan financing to stay in school.
-Varsity athlete.
-Held minimum wage job all 4 years
-Double Major (Economics/Art).
-Despite my low GPA, was awarded 3 Fellowships from the school.
-Lived abroad in Istanbul and Tokyo
Male, American. ½ Native American. Lived on reservation until age 10 in Oklahoma, and remain close with tribal affairs.
Work Experience
-2 years as a credit trader at a hedge fund in NYC.
-2 years as a project manager in emerging markets strategy for one of the largest global telecom companies. London-based. Significant time spent in Hong Kong.
-CFA Charter Holder
Post-MBA looking to work at the World Bank/IMF/other international development fund. Ultimately want to run for congress and be the first Native American member of the Council on Foreign relations.
-Board member of recognizable non-profit that promotes business skills and entrepreneurship in high schools.
-I hold a leadership position in the Democrat party with 200+ members that involves fundraising, organizing large events, and occasional travel. Worked for campaigns my whole life and all of my college internships were in politics.