OFFICIAL EXPLANATIONProject SC Butler: Day 131 Sentence Correction (SC1)
THE PROMPTTraditional art and modern art,
both part of the cultural frame of reference of most Americans and Europeans, share many aspects of the artistic language.
Traditional and modern art
-- both of which are part of the way that most Americans and Europeans understand the world --
SHARE many aspects of the artistic language.
(A) Traditional art and modern art, both part of the cultural frame of reference of most Americans and Europeans, share many aspects of the artistic language.
-- no errors
(B) Traditional art and modern art, are both part of the cultural frame of reference of most Americans and Europeans , [and] share many aspects of the artistic language.
• we do not put commas between subjects and immediate verbs. There should not be a comma before ARE
Wrong: Etienne and Bjorn
, are cousins.
• if ARE is inserted, then then second verb phrase, "share . . . " is disconnected from the subject. We need an
AND (almost certainly without the second highlighted comma)
Wrong: Etienne and Bjorn, are cousins, share genetic traits.
Correct: Etienne and Bjorn are cousins and share genetic traits.
(C) Traditional art and modern art, part of both [WHAT? BOTH WHAT?] the cultural frame of reference of most Americans and Europeans , share many aspects of the artistic language.
• as the word
both is used in this sentence, two things must follow:
BOTH X AND YOnly one thing follows, though — THE cultural frame of reference.
It does not matter that ONE frame of reference is shared by TWO different groups.
The frame of reference is still just one thing.
Wrong: The cartoon is part of
both the first chapter.
Correct: The cartoon is part of
both the first chapter and the epilogue.
(D) Traditional art and modern art, being part of the cultural reference frame [WHAT IS THIS THING? IS IT SPECIFIC?] of most Americans and Europeans, share many aspects of the artistic language.
• BEING? Test: eliminate it. Does the sentence still make sense? Yes? We don't need BEING
• Compare to option A. In this instance, this assertion is appropriate:
Being is awkward and makes the sentence clunky.
• THE cultural reference frame? Is that a particular KIND of reference frame? Is there only one cultural reference frame?
No. A frame of reference is general. Although it is also fairly stable, a frame of reference is not set in concrete. I don't know what this thing is that the sentence mentions.
(E) Traditional art and modern art,have both been part of the cultural frame of reference of most Americans and Europeans , [AND] share many aspects of the artistic language.
• the comma before the verb
have [both] been is incorrect, as is the case with ARE in option B
• also as is the case in B, now the second verb phrase,
share many aspects is disconnected. We need an AND.
BY POE, the answer is ANOTESamitanshumaity is correct:
Structure analysis--> X and Y, Modifier, Verb, and object.
Xylan is spot on about strategy
Though have skepticism about the usage of both, Could NOT find anything wrong in OptionA.
- The modifier within the two commas correctly modifies the plural subject.
If nothing better appears ------> A is the answer.
As far as I can tell, other posters who were in doubt took the same approach.
Smart move.
Options B and E are disasters. We do not put commas between subjects and verbs that follow immediately.
Option C is missing its other noun: part of BOTH X AND Y.
Option C says . . . part of BOTH X
Let's say that option D did not have this weird
THE frame of cultural reference.
Or let's say that we do not notice any difference between the specific phrase in (D) and the general one in (A).
Now D is identical to A except for one word—
Does BEING make D better than A? Nope.
The answer is ACOMMENTSFor the most part, very nicely done.
The strategy behind POE works. I am happy to see lots of stalwart forum members' posts that reinforce the wisdom of the strategy.
Partial explanations get a smiley face. Full explanations get kudos.
Next week: KUDOS will be awarded
only to full explanations. (What is wrong with
all four incorrect options?)
Also next week, I will post on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday (NOT M, W, and F)
Happy kudos!