GMATNinja, could you please please help us with this question? There's a lot of confusion on what is the intended meaning of the sentence.
Thank you.
Plenty of nice juicy errors in this one.
(A) A site once used as an observatory by the Anasazi, ancient pueblo dwellers of New Mexico, has been recently discovered where patterns of light and shadow were employed to establish the precise limits of the positions of the Sun and Moon over a nineteen-year cycle.
The sentence opens with the modifier in red, which appears to describe "a site." Whatever is being modified should come immediately afterwards. In this version, it sounds as though the "ancient pueblo dwellers" are "a site." That's nonsense. (A) is out.
(B) A recently discovered site was once used as an observatory by the Anasazi, ancient pueblo dwellers of New Mexico, where patterns of light and shadow were employed to establish the precise limits of the positions of the Sun and Moon over a nineteen-year cycle.
Exact same problem as (A). Eliminate (B).
(C) At a recently discovered site once used as an observatory by the Anasazi, ancient pueblo dwellers of New Mexico, patterns of light and shadow were employed to establish the precise limits of the positions of the Sun and Moon over a nineteen-year cycle.
Notice that the opening modifier is different here. Typically, when a sentence begins with a prepositional phrase, as this one does, the phrase will describe an action. In other words, something
happened "at a recently discovered site." According to this sentence, at this site the patterns of light and shadow were used to figure out some aspects of the positions of the sun and the moon. That seems perfectly logical. Hang on to (C).
(D) Patterns of light and shadow were employed to establish the precise limits of the positions of the Sun and Moon over a nineteen-year cycle at a site that was recently discovered and was once used by the Anasazi, ancient pueblo dwellers of New Mexico.
While this option doesn't have the same modifier problem that (A) and (B) do, there are still some meaning issues.
First, the phrase, "cycle at a site" kind of makes it sound like the cycle itself is at the site. That doesn't work -- we're talking about a 19-year cycle involving the movement of the moon and the sun. No one is finding the time interval for celestial bodies at an ancient site.
Also, the end of the sentence tells us that the site was "once used by the Anasazi," but we're not told what the site was used
for. Those logic/meaning issues are enough to kill (D).
(E) Patterns of light and shadow were employed to establish the precise limits of the positions of the Sun and Moon over a nineteen-year cycle at a recently discovered place that the Anasazi, ancient pueblo dwellers of New Mexico, once used the site as an observatory.
Here, if you strip out the modifier in red, the end of the sentence becomes, "a recently discovered place that the Anasazi once used the site as an observatory." That's nonsense. Strike (E).
Because (C) is the only option without a meaning or logic problem, it's our winner.
I hope that helps!