An auto body shop charges $30.00 for an oil change, oil filter and standard air filter, but $42.00 for an oil change, oil filter and deluxe air filter. If the deluxe air filter costs four times as much as the standard air filter, how much does the standard air filter cost?
(A) $2.00
(B) $4.00
(C) $5.00
(D) $6.00
(E) $8.00
Given: An auto body shop charges $30.00 for an oil change, oil filter and standard air filter, but $42.00 for an oil change, oil filter and deluxe air filter. The deluxe air filter costs four times as much as the standard air filter.
Asked: How much does the standard air filter cost?
An auto body shop charges $30.00 for an oil change(oc), oil filter(of) and standard air filter (saf)
oc+of+saf=$30 (1)
42.00 for an oil change, oil filter and deluxe air filter.(daf)
oc+of+daf=$42 (2)
The deluxe air filter costs four times as much as the standard air filter.
daf=4saf (3)
(2) - (1)
daf - saf = 12 = 4saf - saf = 3saf
saf = $4
daf = $16
Standard Air Filter costs $4.