Hi ! I was hoping you could provide some valuable inputs to my profile !
Indian Male Engineer (Non IT)
GMAT : 680 (Q49 V34) IR-8 AWA-6.0
REALLY don't have the time/patience/energy to retake.
Work Experience : Here comes the big problem. I only have close to an year's Full Time Work experience. I have been working in my family owned engineering design and constructions firm. However, during my undergrad, I worked in the firm part time for all 4 years. My responsibilities all throughout have included technical design, site management and project bid management. Recently I established a new sector in our firm in the field of constructions. It's a new field and I have already succeeded in establishing our market dominance. Have also acquired a few massive projects in our traditional services.
I also have 4 summer/winter internships at some of the best recognized names all over the world in engineering design. Had major roles in International Airport/Rail/Metro projects.
Goals : Short - Get back to India. Work with my company and expand to a few more sectors such as military engineering services for 3-5 years.
long - Help relieve my father off his responsibilities and take charge at the helm of the company.
Extra Curricular - President of IEEE. Head of Energy Club. Won several debating competitions such as Model United Nations.
Content writer for 2 national magazines, Editor for a college club magazine and Student Editor for America Online.
Community - Worked for an year in a children's education fundraiser. Currently managing a team of 19 volunteers for government assistance work in a community of 200 people.
Other Involvements - Team member of of a hydrogen fueled aircraft design project. On completion, we plan to forge ahead commercially.
- India Head for a recently initiated global entertainment company based on employee stock ownership plan. Already several VC's have
expressed interest to fund when we're ready. Company in final structuring stages.
Choice of Universities : I know my GMAT is not 700 but it's not all that bad. Also, My work experience is on the low side so I have highlighted my involvements
in the company during undergrad. Also valuable experience at 2 start ups mentioned above.
I have already applied to Texas A&M Mays, SMU Cox, Washington Olin, Purdue Krannert, Johns Hopkins Carey, Notre Dame Mendoza.
I also plan to apply to Toronto Rotman, CMU Tepper, Vanderbilt, UC Irvine and UC San Diego Rady( New Program but I'm very impressed).
What's your opinion about my choices ? Could you list safe/competitive ? Any other programs I should look at ?
CMU Tepper and Cornell Johnson are my absolute dream schools but I'm not sure if I'd be competitive enough, especially at Cornell with it's
jump in rankings and applications. Still plan to take a shot at Tepper.
Really look forward to your inputs