Thanks for the question! Employment gaps and their impact on your applications vary a lot based on personal circumstances. In an ideal situation, you will be able to share something else what you were doing during that gap to boost your profile. This can be volunteer work, family matters, etc. Of course, the spring/summer of 2020 was a tough time.
Personal MBA Coach has successfully helped many applicants navigate career gaps. When writing about them in the optional essay, keep in mind that you will not want to offer drawn-out excuses or more information than is required.
The best thing for you to do now is focus on perfecting all other elements of your applications and successfully articulate your goals/personal story. Take a look at
Personal MBA Coach's
services to learn how we can help guide you here and feel free to reach out to
scott@personalmbacoach.com to discuss your application strategy in more detail.
Personal MBA Coachjn0r
I have a question regarding the employment gap between graduation from college and the first job. I graduated in May 2020 and due to COVID lockdowns had to stay in my small village for 4 months before finding the job I am currently working. Do you think it is a red flag to adcom? Thanks in advance.