Hi all,
Almost daily I encounter one SC, which has very good learning. There are almost two choices with a minute difference b/w them and that success on this boosts/kills your verbal %ile. I hope others are also finding the same.
So, I want to post my all my learnings and similarly, expect others to share their learnings. I will include all the threads of my learning or attach docs, which I have created over the past two months. The stated threads will have very good discussion on some key fundamentals on grammer.
Note: Please don't just post the link on idioms as idioms' list is very long. Try to post that link which you find having very important fundamental on English grammer.
1. Economic Vs Economical (
2. Have Vs Will (
3. Original meaning of sentence (
Verb: began vs begun.
began - past form, which can be used with out any helping verb, of begin.
begun - past participle form, which cannot be used without any helping verbs/models such as can, could, will, would, shall, should, ought to, has/have/had, may/might/must etc.
'Spoke with' means have a conversation.
'Spoke to' means the other party is just listening (no two way conversation or heated arguments) and it is also used in American English to mean an unfriendly conversation. Both are correct idioms.
tricky-sc-series-86110.html6. May be Vs Probably Vs Due to Vs Because of
may-be-vs-probably-82868.html7. Subjunctive Rules
Grammer fundamentals (till 16 May 2010).doc