Secretly determined to break up the drug dealer’s ring, the undercover agent with the local pushers joined forces, without their realizing his identity.
A. Secretly determined to break up the drug dealer’s ring, the undercover agent with the local pushers joined forces
B. Secretly determined to break up the drug dealer’s ring, the undercover agent joined forces with the local pushers
C. The undercover agent secretly joined forces with local pushers in order to destroy their ring
D. The undercover agent joined forces with the local pushers and secretly determine
d to destroy their ring
E. Secretly determined to destroy the rings, the local pushers and the undercover agent joined forces
Got it right in 55 seconds! trying to find some motivation to study for a retake...
undercover agent with the local pushers joined forces ..The original sentence sounds as if the Undercover Agent with the Local Pushes joined forces with a 3rd party
B) Correct .Right meaning
secretly joined forcesjoining of forces was not a secret..only the Agent's identity was
D)Meaning: he did not join and then decided to break the ring...It was already decided that's why he joined.
Secretly determined to destroy the rings, the local pushers it wasn't the local pushers who were determined to destroy their own ring.
P.S. feel free to correct me if I'm wrong