I have been trying to find reviews of the kindle versions of
Manhattan GMAT vs the print versions, no avail....
is it harder to check answers on kindle? what are the disadvantages or annoyances? are there still lots of error problems in kindle versions? a robust dialogue about print vs e-edition would be especially relevant these days, as I suspect the majority of investors are contemplating the same edition choice I am...
Yes, it is harder to flip pages/check answers.
I believe errors are minimized. Originally they were only related to the display issues that Kindle has with some of the formulas. Last I've heard was 99% of it was good and just a few discrepancies.
We have the Interactive version of only the
MGMAT SC on the iPhone toolkit and that has answers built into it so no flipping is required and you keep track of your progress/timing in the book. (still $9.99 but the app costs $25).
I don't think it is much worse to get the Kindle version from accuracy perspective but I do find studying with the screen harder, even if it is iPad and not a PC.