Oxford - Admission Trends!
Hi Everyone, Here is our analysis of admission trends and acceptance chances at Oxford
based on our accumulated forum data of applicants. We have analysed our forum data of Oxford applicants from 2012 to 2016 to determine acceptance chances by GMAT score, admission rounds, industry, age, country, etc.
data used for this analysis is self-reported, so it's advised to use the findings with discretion. They are meant to give only a general idea of admission scenario at Oxford; Don't presume that these findings will hold true all the time.
We would welcome any comments, opinions, suggestions or anything else that you might have to say about the findings of this analysis.
YOY Acceptance Rate and Avg GMAT of Applicants
Sample Size: 581 ApplicantsAcceptance Rate by GMAT Score
- As anticipated, admission rate of Oxford is much higher than that of LBS, UK's top business school. If you score 720 or above on the GMAT, your acceptance chances reach up to 60%.
- Narrow gap between lines showing interview invites and acceptance indicate that Oxford is selective in sending interview invites, and one can have better chance of acceptance after interview. This may seem obvious but we have seen certain schools who are very generous in inviting candidates for interview, but selective in making final decisions. (See Tuck, Columbia, Fuqua)
- Acceptance rate of Oxford applicants after interview is close to 76%.
Sample Size: 242 ApplicantsAcceptance Rate by Admission Round
Sample Size: 428 ApplicantsAcceptance Rates of Applicants in Different Age Groups
Sample Size: 171 ApplicantsAcceptance rates of applicants from various industries
- The first chart - line chart - shows acceptance rates of applicants from various industries and the pie chart next to it shows industry-wise allocation of applicants.
Sample Size: 226 ApplicantsAcceptance Rates of Applicants from Various Regions
Sample Size: 203 ApplicantsAs I said earlier, we welcome your views, counter-views, suggestions, etc on the analysis. Thank you!
How is SBS for somebody with 12+ years of experience and no international experience ?