These flash cards are great.
very helpful. Thanks a lot!
I have so far gone through the math portion.
Want to suggest following 2 corrections:
1) I noticed a typo on page 48 slide#31 & 32, in the Ques the cordinates of B are (2,3) but in the answer slide they are taken to be (6,3).
2) Also Questions 8,9,10 of Coordinate geometry have been repeated in slides 51 & 52.
And I faced a problem in the following 3 questions, and would greatly appreciate if someone could clear these for me. Thx!
1) In Triangles Question 8, slide 16 on page 44, how do you get area of triangle ABC =1?
2) Coordinate Geometry Question 10 on slide 39 page 50 seems to be very tough, it seems to be out of the scope of GMAT, can we really get such questions on the GMAT? I did not understand the explanation as haven't studied this anywhere in the GMAT books.
3) Probability Question 8 part 3 on slide 40 on page 62, for the case when both Rachel and Bob are not on the committee we have 1st selection as 6/8 which is fine but shouldn't the 2nd selection be 5/7 instead of 7/7 coz we only have to pick from the 5 (not selected the 1st time) out of the 6 excluding Bob and Rachel?