In 1883, the Indonesian island Krakatoa, home to a massive volcano, seemingly disappeared overnight as an eruption rent the entire island apart, catapulting rock and debris into the atmosphere. For the next years, as ash circled the entire globe, the average world temperature dropped by several degrees Fahrenheit. Therefore, an eruption of similar power in terms of the amount of debris ejected into the atmosphere will likely cause the average temperature around the world to drop by several degrees.
Which of the following, if true, best challenges the main claim of the argument?
A. In 1990, a major volcano took place in Japan but the average temperature increased as a result.
B. The eruption of the Indonesian island of Tambora was even larger than that of Krakatoa, yet the average world temperature did not drop as much as it did following the eruption of Krakatoa.
C. In 1883, the ocean-atmospheric phenomenon La Niña occurred, an event that is always followed by a drop of several degrees in the world’s average temperature
D. According to sophisticated computer analysis, the eruption of Mt. Toba between 69,000 and 77,000 years ago, one of the most powerful ever, may have hastened an ice age.
E. No volcanic eruption in the 20th century was close to the magnitude of the Krakatoa eruption, yet average world temperatures dropped between 1950 and 1960.
Official answer to follow.
A. In 1990, a major volcano took place in Japan but the average temperature increased as a result.
==> Ways this answer could have weakened, if re framed
a) Volcano in japan had similar eruption in terms of magnitude and the average temperature increased afterwards it --Weaken
b) Volcano in japan had eruption but less in terms of magnitude and the average temperature decreased afterwards ---Weaken
c) Volcano in japan had eruption but less in terms of magnitude and the average temperature increased afterwards ---- May not weaken since it might be true of volcanoes that erupt with less intensity than that mentioned in the passage
But A gives rise to many possibilities and it should not be considered as a weakener in general.It leaves other details untouched, therefore we cannot conclude that it is weakener
Choice E also leaves various details untouched otherwise it could as well be a weakener.For example, we cannot say from E that after the volcanoes occurred there could have been decrease in average temperature.
Answer c is the best weakner since:
Argument says that the average temperature is LIKELY to decrease after the mentioned volcano eruption.In saying so the author belives that ONLY volcanic eruptions of the same magnitude as the one mentioned in the argument LIKELY causes decrease in average temperature.
In C we see that ocean- atmosspheric phenomenon La Niña ( not eruption), ALWAYS(not likely) causes decrease in average temperatures.It is an alternate reason.