In May 2003, a series of five granite ledges on the side of Cannon Mountain, known as "The Old Man of The Mountain," collapsed in the middle of the night due to centuries of repeated freezing and thawing, which opened a fissure in it so large that the stone became unstable and the formation detached from the cliff face.
A) due to centuries of repeated freezing and thawing, which opened a fissure in it so large that the stone became unstable
B) due to centuries of freezing and thawing, thereby opening a fissure in them so large that the stone became unstable
C) because stones were freezing and thawing for centuries, which opened a fissure in it so large that the stones became unstable
D) because of centuries of freezing and thawing, opening a fissure in it so large as to make the stone unstable
E) because centuries of repeated freezing and thawing had opened such a large fissure in them that the ledges became unstable
Source: Ready4GMAT
A clear understanding of the meaning of the sentence is required before you jump into the answer choices. Look for the subject, object and verbs to keep track of what's going on.
1) Ledges collapsed because of freezing and thawing
2) The collapse opened a fissure in the ledges (or the mountain? Let's be open to that possibility for now)
3) The fissure causes something to become unstable
Let's dive in:
due to centuries of repeated freezing and thawing, which opened a fissure in it so large that the stone became unstable: due to cannot refer to a verb like "collapse"
due to centuries of freezing and thawing, thereby opening a fissure in them so large that the stone became unstable: due to needs to modify a noun
C) because stones were freezing and thawing for centuries,
which opened a fissure in it so large that the stones became unstable: "which" cannot modify a clause "stones were freezing and thawing"
D) because of centuries of freezing and thawing, opening a fissure in it so large
as to make the stone unstable: Not parallel with the non-underlined part of the sentence
E) because centuries of repeated freezing and thawing had opened such a large fissure in them that the ledges became unstable: "due to" mistake is avoided, parallelism works, meaning aligns with what we're looking for